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How it All Started

The backstory and purpose of Golden Music School

Guitar Strings

Learning the Hard Way

Golden Music School was founded by Noah Bieser, a self-taught musician who wanted to share his passion for instruments with as many people as possible. Noah started his musical journey after picking up his brother's viola and becoming infatuated with the sound of the instrument. The following year, Noah signed up for his high school orchestra so that he could learn the instrument. However, the music wasn't fun to play, and the focus was on the entire class instead of his personal improvement. Feeling hopeless, Noah quit viola.


Things all started to turn around when he tried guitar for the first time. Noah immediately fell in love and decided that lessons weren't right for him. He learned the instrument by himself and had to learn scales, chords, and each song alone. While he did eventually learn the instrument, his progress would have been much quicker and easier had he learned from an instructor. 


When considering lessons Noah felt hesitant due to his experiences in orchestra. He didn't realize that there were teachers who taught what the students wanted to learn. After years of playing Noah decided that he would share his love for music the right way. He would teach the instrument in a way that was based around the student and not an organization. This was the beginning of Golden Music Schools.


6 Years of Musical Experience

Aug 2018 - Present Day

Starting playing in his high school orchestra, Noah Bieser has grown to learn how to play viola, violin, piano, ukulele, bass, and most importantly guitar.

3 Years of Guitar Every Single Day

Oct 2021 - Present D

When Noah decided to learn guitar, he knew he would have to put in a lot of effort. He promised himself that he would play 1 hour or more every single day. He kept that promise and played guitar through sickness, travel, and busy schedules. Since then he has grown to become absolutely in love with his instrument and suggests this learning strategy to anyone trying to learn guitar.


  • 8 guitars

  • 1 bass

  • 1 ukelele

  • 1 piano 

  • 1 viola

  • 1 cello

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